JM Serbia, Belgrade and Radio Belgrade 1, more precisely the show Familiology – Family Story offer young artists a new way of promotion – via radio waves! Starting from December 2024, every Wednesday in the show Family Story, hosted by Slađana Bušić, a new section – JM Serbia, Belgrade – will be introduced. The column is intended for the promotion of young artists, more precisely the resident artists of the JM Serbia, Belgrade. Every Wednesday, artists will introduce themselves to the listeners of Radio Belgrade 1 through a short interview and musical accompaniment. The focus of the column is on the family, on their role in the professional development of young artists. During the show itself, the artist can perform (or pre-record) two compositions – one lasting up to 6 minutes, and the other without limitations. The first composition is mandatory and will be played after the interview, while the second, longer one, will be heard in parts throughout the show Family Story.
In order to apply for this job, you need to join our organization, which provides you with a letter of recommendation for this and other contests (not only JMSBs, but also other organizations).