JMI is the world’s largest network of youth and music organisations with members in over 70 countries carrying out 40,000+ activities annually, outreaching more than 6 million young people. Founded in Brussels (Belgium) in 1945, JMI works tirelessly to enable young people to develop through music across all boundaries. JMI’s activities are built upon the principals of access to music for all, development through music education (formal/non-formal/informal) and increasing active participation in society through music. JMI works for and with youth, empowering them with the tools they need to succeed, using the power of music to bridge social, geographical and cultural divides and create an international platform for intercultural dialogue and acceptance.
The International Jeunesses Musicales Competition Belgrade has been established in 1971 and praises the status of the project of significant importance within the Jeunesses Musicales International – JMI (based in Brussels), since 1974 the IJMC is a member of the World Federation of International Music Competitions – WFIMC (based in Geneve).
Ethno is JM International’s program for folk, world and traditional music. Founded in 1990, it is aimed at young musicians (up to the age of 30) with a mission to revive and keep alive global cultural heritage.
YAM (Young Audiences Music) is an international platform for everyone working to bring live music to children and youth. The platform aims to provide professionals with access to information that will enable them to better serve young people across the globe. It is a place for people to connect, to ask questions and to discuss so that together we may build the future of music for young people.